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This Public Registry contains the names of all persons and entities who are currently registered (“registrants”) with the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of New Brunswick (APEGNB).

In accordance with the Engineering and Geoscience Professions Act, only persons who are registered, or companies holding a Certificate of Authorization, are entitled to practice engineering or geoscience in New Brunswick. Engineers-in-Training (EITs) or Geoscientists-in-Training (GITs) listed in this Registry must work under professional supervision. Retired registrants, while no longer entitled to practice, may continue to use the titles P.Eng. and P.Geo. and are also listed. The Registry does NOT include former registrants of APEGNB.

Information contained in this Registry is provided by the individual registrant and is considered current. It is each registrant’s responsibility to make sure their information is valid and up to date. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact APEGNB.  

This Registry is provided solely for the purpose of the public interest. Any unauthorized use is prohibited and may be subject to action by APEGNB.

For additional information, contact us at 1-888-458-8083 or [email protected].

Information on any disciplinary action for Registrants (current and former) can be found here


Wildcard character: If you don’t know exactly how to spell the name of the firm you are looking for you can use underscore (  _  ) as a wildcard character. This is especially useful for names which may or may not be spelled with one or more accents. For example:

Energie returns zero results;

Energy returns 9 results;

_nergie returns two results with “Énergie” in their names, and 

_nerg_ returns all 12 results with either “Energy”, “Énergie”, or any other variations thereof.

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